Eliminate RBCCM's dependence on Thompson Reuters Enterprise Platform (TREP)
Josh Carroll, Managing Director, Global Head of Shared Applications, RBCCM
Josh connected with BCC Group nearly six years ago while he was traveling in Germany. BCC Group had been partnering with Solace, Inc. for some time and Josh saw some synergies that would help him save money and permit RBCCM to get better control over their market data feeds. He asked BCC Group to install market data feed-handlers for both Refinitiv and Bloomberg. After a few months of testing the feeds went live in early 2016. They have been running without incident for five years.
This success story demonstrated a primary tenant of BCC Group, eliminate lock-in. RBCCM did this by disconnecting the market data platform from the market data provider. Thus, enabling fluidity to change market data sources more easily. This put RBCCM in the best position to negotiate pricing. BCC Group proved that their products could deliver innovation in the market data space, which has been stagnant for decades. Since this success, BCC Group has put all their products into Docker and added permissioning and the ONE API. The entire solution, end to end, now runs in the hybrid, private and public clouds.
BCC has gained tremendous cloud expertise over the past few years, especially in the space of market data. BCC Group will be a key consultant to RBCCM as the consider moving more workload into the cloud. The product is now called the ONE Platform. Learn more by sending a note to info@bccgi.com.